
Golden Gate Tiger Bark Ficus Pic1
Bonsai Trees Premium
Premium Bonsai Trees Assorted Subject to Availability You can contact us at or tel:646-389-4299 anytime to receive an updated list of what Bonsais are in the Greenhouse. When you choose a Bonsai Tree...
$90.00 - $185.00
Cinnamon Tree
Cinnamon Tree
Cinnamon Tree 10" $85 14" $275 Cinnamomum verum, called true cinnamon tree or Ceylon cinnamon tree, is a small evergreen tree belonging to the family Lauraceae, native to Sri Lanka. The inner bark of several other Cinnamomum species is also used to...
$85.00 - $275.00
Hibiscus Bush in pot
Hibiscus Assorted Sizes: Hibiscus Tropical Braid 10" $100 Hibiscus Tropical Braid 12" $165 There are two varieties of Hibiscus. The varieties are Hardy Hibiscus and Tropical Hibiscus.  Both types are perennials, but the tropical variety is...
$100.00 - $165.00
Rhaphidophora foraminifera
Rhaphidophora foraminifera
Rhaphidophora foraminifera 1qt $100 A very rare, difficult to obtain plant.  Rhaphidophora foraminifera is a species of flowering plant in the Araceae family. It is native to Borneo, Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia. Rhaphidophora...