Outdoor Plants Trees Bushes Shrubs

Herbs Assorted 4.5' $8 If you'd like to know what specific herbs we have on hand, contact us at 646.389.4299 or email us at info@urbangardencenter.com. Listed below are some of the herb offerings we usually have in the Greenhouse, it...
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Agapanthus 'Lily of the Nile'
Agapanthus 'Lily of the Nile'
Agapanthus Plant Also known as the African Lily Or Lily of the Nile Assorted  7" $0 Agapanthus is a genus of plants, the only one in the subfamily Agapanthoideae of the family Amaryllidaceae. The family is in the monocot order Asparagales.…
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Apple Tree Cortland
Apple Tree
Apple Trees Assorted Size: 3.58g Comes in a Grower's Pot  - Gala 3.25g $125  - Honeycrisp 3.58g $125    - Yellow Delicious 6.08g $175 An apple is an edible fruit produced by an apple tree. Apple trees are cultivated...
$125.00 - $175.00
Arborvitae Assorted in pot
Arborvitae Assorted Not all sizes may be in stock.  You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-389-4299 anytime to receive an updated list of what Arborvitaes we have on hand in the Greenhouse. Emerald Green is...
$60.00 - $595.00
Aucuba in pot
Aucuba Assorted 5g to 6g $140 Aucuba is a genus of three to ten species of flowering plants, in the family Garryaceae, although formerly classified in the Aucubaceae or Cornaceae. Aucuba species are native to eastern Asia, from the eastern...
Banana Plant
Banana Plant
Banana Plant Assorted 6" $30 10" $100 Love the look of lush tropical foliage? There is a plant that can help transform your garden landscape into a bit of the Hawaiian tropics, even if your winters tend to be less than balmy. The word 'banana...
$30.00 - $100.00
Birch River Tree
Birch River Tree
Birch River Tree Betula nigra 15g $395 8' $515 As its name suggests, the river birch naturally grows along riverbanks. But as a landscape tree, it can be planted almost anywhere in our beautiful country! The species is valued for...
$395.00 - $515.00
Birch Tree Weeping
Birch Tree Weeping
Birch Tree Size: 15g $755 Betula pendula, commonly known as Silver Birch, Warty Birch, European White Birch, or East Asian White Birch, is a species of tree in the family Betulaceae, native to Europe and parts of Asia, though in southern Europe, it is...
Boxwood Assorted in pot
You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-389-4299 anytime to receive an updated list of what Boxwoods we have on hand in the Greenhouse. If we don't have the size or type of Boxwood you are looking for, we can...
Cedar Tree Blue Atlas
Cedar Tree Blue Atlas
Cedar Tree Blue Atlas  Cedrus atlantica  Glauca 5'-6' $415 A bold, pyramidal form with sparkling silvery blue foliage that drapes from the expansive branches. One of the most popular evergreen conifers. A spectacular specimen for large...
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yellow Celosia in pot
Celosia Assorted 5" $10 6.5" $15 9" $20 Celosia is a small genus of edible and ornamental plants in the amaranth family, Amaranthaceae. The generic name is derived from the Ancient Greek word kḗleos, meaning "burning," and refers to the flame-like...
$10.00 - $20.00
Cephalanthus Also known as the Buttonbush Assorted 3g $55 A multi-stemmed shrub which grows to approximately 6'-12'. Buttonbush is a handsome ornamental that enjoys spending its days in wet soil. Ducks and various waterbirds and...
Cercis canadensis Redbud
Cercis canadensis Redbud
Cercis canadensis This is a large deciduous shrub, or small tree Also known as the Eastern Redbud, and the Judas Tree Assorted 6'-8' $625 Cercis canadensis, also known as the Eastern Redbud, is a large deciduous shrub or small tree, native to...
Clethra Alnifolia
Clethra Alnifolia
Clethra Plant 3g $75 Known in the botany world as Clethra Alnifolia. Another few names it goes by is Sweet Pepper Bush, Summersweet and Spice Bush. Summersweet really is a perfect description for Clethra. Pretty pink or white flowers...
Lucky Shamrocks
Clover Plant Lucky Shamrocks
Clover Plant Also known as Lucky Shamrocks Assorted Green Clover "Shamrock" 3" $5 Oxalis triangularis green 4" $7.50 Oxalis triangularis purple 4" $7.50 Shamrock plants (Oxalis spp.) have leaves composed of three leaflets that resemble...
$5.00 - $7.50
Crape Myrtle
Crape Myrtle
Crape Myrtle Tree Not all sizes may be in stock. You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-872-3991 anytime to receive an updated list of what we have in the Greenhouse. 3.58g $175 (Tuscarora)...
$175.00 - $425.00
Golden Mop in pot
Cypress Golden Mop
Chamaecyparis pisifera Also known as the Golden Mop Assorted You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-389-4299 anytime to receive an updated list of what Golden Mops we have on hand in the Greenhouse. 4"...
$20.00 - $100.00
Cypress Lawson Cypress tall
Cypress Lawson
Lawson Cypress Assorted 4" $20 6" $40 Most enjoyers of plants flowers and trees know this beauty as 'Chamaecyparis ellwoodii'.  Highly decorative, Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Ellwoodii' (Lawson Cypress) is an upright, evergreen shrub of dense...
$20.00 - $40.00
Dogwood Tree Cornus Kousa
Dogwood Tree Cornus Kousa
Dogwood Tree Cornus Kousa Not all sizes may be in stock.  You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-872-3991 anytime to receive an updated list of what we have in the Greenhouse...
$395.00 - $625.00
Dogwood Tree Red Twig Cornus alba
Dogwood Tree Red Twig Cornus alba
Dogwood Tree Red Twig Cornus alba Elegantissima Size: 3g $90 Variegated leaves, attractive berries, stunning fall color and showy red stems in winter make this a wonderful shrub for all seasons! Vigorous and adaptable, naturally forms a thicket of...
Dwarf Alberta Spruce
Dwarf Alberta Spruce
Dwarf Alberta Spruce Picea glauca conica  Assorted 4" $18 6" $50 10" $50 13" $225 This handsome conifer has an excellent pyramidal form, with a dwarf habit that is perfect for smaller gardens. The dense bright green foliage turns an attractive...
$18.00 - $225.00
Euonymus Golden
Euonymus Golden Assorted Golden 3g $75 Golden 5g $105  These beauties come in a Growers Pot, we have a planter containers and pottery category you may want to take a look at!  Urban Garden Center Planters, Containers and...
$75.00 - $105.00
Silver King in pot
Euonymus Silver King
Euonymus japonicus Silver King Assorted 2g $90 5/6g $125 An attractive hedge plant, with silvery white margins on glossy green leaves that adds unique color and texture to the landscape. Can be grouped to form a low screen. Highly adaptable,...
$90.00 - $125.00
Fig Tree in pot grown
Fig Tree/Bush
Fig  Tree and Bush Assorted Fig Bush 10" $75 Fig Std 10" $105 Fig Std 14" $300 Not all sizes may be in stock. This beauty is fruit bearing.  Many plant enthusiasts wonder how to grow figs. These fruit trees are among the easiest of the...
$75.00 - $300.00
Gardenia Assorted Gardenia assorted 4" $20 Gardenia braided 6" $40 Gardenia bush 8" $60 Primarily found outdoors in the south and grown for their fragrant flowers and handsome foliage, Gardenias (Gardenia augusta/Gardenia jasminoides) are popular...
$20.00 - $60.00
Ornamental Maiden Grass in pot
Grasses   Assorted  Not all sizes may be in stock.  You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-872-3991 anytime to receive an updated list of what we have in the Greenhouse. 4.5" $10 5" $12...
$10.00 - $60.00
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Hay/Straw Bales
Hay/Straw Bales
Hay/Straw Bale Assorted Both sizes are approximate (LxWxH) Mini Hay Bale 12"x20"x8"  $15 Large Hay Bale: 33"x19"x14" $25 The approximate size of the hay bales can vary, depending on the farmer baling the hay, and from what...
$15.00 - $25.00
Out of stock
Heuchera Assorted in pot
Heuchera Assorted 3qt $25 2g $50 Heuchera is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants in the family Saxifragaceae, all native to North America. Common names include alumroot and coral bells. They have palmately lobed leaves on long petioles, and a...
$25.00 - $50.00
Hibiscus Bush in pot
Hibiscus Assorted Sizes: Hibiscus Tropical Braid 10" $100 Hibiscus Tropical Braid 12" $165 There are two varieties of Hibiscus. The varieties are Hardy Hibiscus and Tropical Hibiscus.  Both types are perennials, but the tropical variety is...
$100.00 - $165.00
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Holly Ilex Verticillata Winterberry
Holly Ilex Verticillata Winterberry
Holly Ilex verticillata Also known as Winterberry Holly 24"-30" $80 Botanically known as Ilex verticillata, this beauty drops its leaves in late fall to reveal stems covered in bright red, or sometimes gold berries.  It's often referred to as a...
Ilex Japanese Holly in pot
Ilex Japanese Holly
Ilex Japanese Holly Assorted Not all sizes may be in stock.  You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-389-4299 anytime to receive an updated list of what we have in the Greenhouse. Ilex Sky Pencil Crenata 5g...
$75.00 - $375.00
Japanese Flowering Cherry Tree in pot
Japanese Flowering Cherry Tree
Weeping Japanese Flowering Cherry Tree  Kwanzan 15g $395 Named after a mountain in Japan, the Kanzan (Kwanzan) Cherry Tree is native to China, Japan and Korea. The original name is 'Sekiyama,' but it is rarely used. Introduced to America in...
Jasmine White
Jasmine Plant
Jasmine Plant Assorted Jasmine 4" $20 Jasmine Night Blooming 4" $20 Jasmine Hoop 4" $20 Jasmine India 6" $25 Jasmine India 10" $65 Jasmine sambac 6" $30 Jasmine sambac 10" $65 Jasmine Column 12" $155 Jasmine...
$20.00 - $155.00
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Juniper Assorted in pot
Juniper Assorted 5.5" $50 8" $85 10" $110 12" $180 Juniper is any of about 60 to 70 species of aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs, constituting the genus Juniperus of the cypress family (Cupressaceae), distributed throughout the...
$50.00 - $180.00
Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper Juniperus in pot
Juniper Nana Juniperus procumbens
Juniper Juniperus procumbens  Also known as a Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper, and  this popular cultivar, Nana. Assorted  3g $75 This is an Evergreen. A dense mound of ground-hugging branches that radiate from the center. Bright...
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Lavender pot
Lavender Plant
Lavender Plant Assorted Sizes and Styles! Lavender sizes will expand as the weather warms.  Comes in a Grower's Pot We have Pots for your Lavender! Urban Garden Center Planters Containers Pottery 5" $15 1g $20 2g $30 6" Tree...
$15.00 - $40.00
Lemon Cypress in pot
Lemon Cypress
Lemon Cypress Assorted 4" $20 6" $35 Comes in a Growers Pot, we have Terracotta pots like the one seen in the second photo: Terracotta Pots  The Lemon Cypress Tree is known scientifically as 'cupressus macrocarpa'. Their cultivar name is...
$20.00 - $50.00
Out of stock
Big Blue
Liriope Assorted 4" $12.50 1g $25 There’s no ground cover known to humankind that’s as successful as Liriope at preventing erosion on even the steepest hillsides, at surviving wet or bone dry conditions, and doing all that in full sun or...
$12.50 - $25.00
Mandevilla Tropical in pot
Mandevilla Tropical with Trellis
Mandevilla Tropical On/In a Trellis Assorted 6" $35 10" $100 Often thought of as an annual, but it is very frost tender perennial. The Mandevilla plant has become a common patio plant, and rightfully so. The brilliant mandevilla flowers add a...
$35.00 - $100.00
Maple Japanese Acer Palmatum
Maple Tree Japanese Acer Palmatum
Maple Tree Japanese Acer Palmatum Tree Bloodgood 3'-4' $400 10g $595 Not all sizes may be in stock.  You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-872-3991 anytime to receive an updated list of what we...
$400.00 - $595.00
Maple Tree Japanese Laceleaf
Maple Tree Japanese Laceleaf Assorted 5g Orangeola Red Laceleaf $350 7g Green Laceleaf $450 Not all sizes may be in stock.  You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-872-3991 anytime to receive an updated...
$350.00 - $450.00
Miniature Evergreens pot
Miniature Evergreens
Mini Evergreens Assorted 4" $15 Our Mini-Evergreens come in different shapes, textures and colors. Some of the assortments are Chamaecyparis Ellwoodii and Thuja Jantar.  Miniature evergreens are useful as ground cover, in front of larger trees...
Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pine Assorted Not all sizes may be in stock.  You can contact us at Info@UrbanGardenNYC.com or tel:646-389-4299 anytime to receive an updated list of what NIP's we have in the Greenhouse. 4" $20 6"...
$20.00 - $70.00
Osmanthus heterophyllus False Holly
Osmanthus heterophyllus Goshiki False Holly Assorted 7g $125 Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' is an extremely tough, strikingly variegated evergreen shrub. Goshiki means 'five colored' in Japanese and refers to the various colors found...
Peony The King of Flowers in pot
Peony  Also known as Peonies 5g $220 Referred to as The King of Flowers, Peonies symbolize prosperity, good luck, love and honour. Peonies were the official national flower of China until 1929. Under the reign of the Sui...
Rose of The Spring
Ranunculus Buttercup Rose of The Spring   5" $10 Ranunculus is a large genus of about 600 species of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. Members of the genus are known as buttercups, spearworts and water crowfoots. With full...
Rose Mini in pot
Rose Bush Mini
Rose Bush Mini 4" $15 This beautiful Mini Rose comes in a Growers Pot.  A miniature rose bush may stay in bloom for a week or two inside, but eventually the plant needs to go outside, where light is sufficient, and conditions are better for...
Siberian Bugloss
Siberian Bugloss
Brunnera macrophylla Siberian Bugloss Assorted 3qt $25 Brunnera macrophylla, the Siberian bugloss, great forget-me-not, large leaf brunnera or heartleaf, is a species of flowering plant in the family Boraginaceae, native to the Caucasus. These...