Air Plant Tillandsia
Tillandsia Air Plant 4"
Two types of Tillandsia to choose from:
Tillandsia Cyanea 4" $20
Tillandsia Till Spirit 4" $15
Tillandsia are commonly known as air plants, for their ability to live entirely off of nutrients and moisture in the air in their native habitats.
Tillandsia are often found in trees, nestled in the fork of a branch where humidity and dew collects to form moist pockets.
It is a a genus of around 650 species of evergreen, perennial flowering plants in the family Bromeliaceae.
Native to the forests, mountains and deserts of northern Mexico and the southeastern US, Mesoamerica and the Caribbean to mid-Argentina.
In order to thrive, air plants need bright, indirect light.
Rooms with southern or eastern facing windows make good candidates, because these spaces will be brightly illuminated with sun for most of the day.
Soak your air plants in a bowl of water for 20 minutes to an hour - every week to 10 days is best.
Submerge the entire plant.
If your plant has a bloom, you may wish to keep the bud above the water to not disturb it, although in nature they get wet all the time!
Following each watering, Tillys should be given enough light and air circulation to dry in 4 hours or less.
Do not keep plants constantly wet or moist.
Do not allow them to dry too quickly though.
1-3 hours is optimum.
We do not warranty or guarantee any living plant. No returns or exchanges on live plants. All sales are final on live plants
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