Pothos Marble Queen & Snow Queen

$15.00 - $50.00

Pothos Queen's Assorted

  1. Pothos Marble Queen 4" $15

  2. Pothos Marble Queen 6" $30

  3. Pothos Marble Queen 8" $45

  4. Pothos Marble Queen in a Hanging Basket 6" $25

  5. Pothos Marble Queen in a Hanging Basket 8" $45

  6. Pothos Marble Queen in a Hanging Basket 10" $50

  7. Pothos N'Joy (Marble Queen Cultivar) 4" $15

  8. Pothos N'Joy (Marble Queen Cultivar) in a Hanging Basket 4.5" $25

  9. Pothos N'Joy (Marble Queen Cultivar) in a Hanging Basket 6" $35

  10. Pothos Snow Queen 4" $15

  11. Pothos Snow Queen in a Hanging Basket 6" $30

Marble Queen has a beautiful variegation, but needs a bit more light to thrive.

Marble Queen is another common variety of pothos out there, and has a ‘cheesecake’ type of look to it.

The white and dark green are interwoven together kind of like a tapestry or knit blanket, forming a gorgeous variegation.

They are a highly variegated variety, and as a result will grow slower as there is less chlorophyll in each leaf.

You may want to move them closer to a light source or windowsill to spur their growth.

What about the Snow Queen?

Leaf color is the main difference between Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos.

The color on Marble Queen is creamy, rather than white. 

The Snow Queen has leaves with pure white variegation with a lot less green.

Another note, the Snow Queen develops at a little slower rate than Marble Queen, which is the last distinction between the two.

Marble Queen pothos necessitates trimming due to their rapid growth, but Snow Queen pothos retains their compactness for an extended period of time.

Basic pothos care is very easy.

These plants enjoy a wide range of environments.

They do well in bright indirect light as well as low light, and can be grown in dry soil or in vases of water.

They will thrive in nutrient rich soil, but do almost as well in nutrient poor soil.

Pothos can tolerate low light but do well in direct light as well. 

Water when soil is dry to the touch.

Allow the water to drain thoroughly.

You can fertilize your pothos plant about once every three months, this will help the plant grow more quickly.

We do not warranty or guarantee any living plant. No returns or exchanges on live plants. All sales are final on live plants.

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